In Solidarity with our Communities Here and Abroad



As we enter the last weeks of the semester, I want to take the time to raise awareness about troubling incidents that are affecting members of our campus community, local 社区和全球社区. 

首先,今天是 # MMIW Awareness Day, a day to raise awareness about the continuing tragedy and loss of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit people through acts of 美国的种族暴力和厌女症.S. 和加拿大. 大多数谋杀都是 committed by non-Native peoples on Indigenous land. 作为一个校园,它是重要的 us to know that our awareness extends to conditions of settler colonialism that our Indigenous colleagues and students experience in their everyday lives. 我们站在 声援土著社区. 我想表扬我们的一位老师, Dr. Soma de Bourbon and her students in previous years for their moving and impactful 一年一度的校园分期付款 红裙项目 你们中的许多人可能还记得最近几年的情况. 有关更多信息,请访问事件和 资源,你可以 访问

I also want to offer belated condolences to our Jewish community for the loss of life of Jewish Israelis five days ago, when 45 people were killed and 100 more injured during a stampede while attending a religious festival in Israel. 一些受害者 是孩子. We know that this loss of life impacts members of the Jewish community as well as  any一个 who can only imagine this horrific loss of life at a time when 人们聚集在一起做礼拜和庆祝. 

Lastly, I want to recognize the great concern, fear, and anger at the killing of over 30 people in different cities and towns of Colombia by militarized police who have been firing into crowds of peaceful tax reform protesters over the last 7 days. We know that there is great fear as observers report inaccurate information about the extent of civilian casualties, serious injuries, sexual assaults, and the extent of 个人被拘留. This uncertainty, public violence, and the militarization of the country weighs heavily on those members of our campus community who are Colombians and have friends and family in Colombia as protesters turn to protesting this police violence, economic inequality, and human rights violations spread wide across other 全国各地区. 

It is often difficult to publicly acknowledge the tragedies, travesties, and issues 这影响了我们的校园社区. 我知道有一种愤怒疲劳感, 一种又一次可怕事件的感觉. 对一些人来说,这些事件带来的只是短暂的 notice, maybe even sadness, but for some the pain, grief, and suffering stretches 几天,几个月,几年,几代人. 重要的是要知道,在这个全球 and local community of 圣何塞州立大学 that many of the world’s troubles impact various members of our campus community at different times. 而有些人 may read this message as just another message in the long line of messages on mass shootings, violence, death from COVID-19, each message helps us make visible and give voice to the stresses and grief of different communities so that we may exercise grace, provide support, and even give ourselves grace as we try to show up and do our work whether we are students, staff, faculty or administrators. 

As you finish out the final weeks of your semester please know that the sentiments of the staff at the 多元化、公平和包容办公室 reflected above are 我们的校园领导也是如此. Please reach out if you see some一个 from our community who may be in need of support during these difficult times as we continue many of 我们的远程互动. 

As always, 菠菜网lol正规平台 has resources available for our students and for our employees should members of the Spartan community experience emotional distress or trauma. 详细的 下面列出了我们的资源信息.






If you have a mental health emergency and need immediate assistance please contact 辅导及心理服务.  总有一个工作人员可以 帮助你. 请致电408-924-5910或访问我们的  我们所有的 services are being offered online through confidential video or ph一个 sessions.  

下班后的紧急情况,请拨打911. 如果你住在学校,请给学校打电话 警方电话:408-924-2222. You may also call our main number 408-924-5910 after hours and press 4 to connect with the after-hours crisis service.

圣克拉拉县自杀 & Crisis Line is also available at 855-278-4204 (Toll-free) (每周7天,每天24小时提供服务). 或者打电话给国家自杀预防中心 热线:1-800-273-TALK (8255). 这项服务也是全天候可用的. 此外, 您可以发送短信寻求帮助:text HOME to 741741. 危机呼叫中心将作出回应 24/7/365. 

International students who need assistance regarding restrictions on travel and other issues can find resources from 菠菜网lol正规平台’s International Students and Scholars Services.



请访问lifemmatters®在线获取更多信息. 密码:斯巴达人

To speak to some一个 from LifeMatters® confidentially, call 800-367-7474.

圣克拉拉县自杀 & Crisis Line is also available at 855-278-4204 (Toll-free) (每周7天,每天24小时提供服务). 或者打电话给国家自杀预防中心 热线:1-800-273-TALK (8255). 这项服务也是全天候可用的.

此外, 您可以发送短信寻求帮助:text HOME to 741741. 危机呼叫中心 会24/7/365回复吗.